Granite Memorials

Gravestone Memorials in Ireland
Business Genre
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+00353 49 4330400
Business Address
Stradone Road, Poles, Co.Cavan, Ireland
Business Description

We believe that everyone has a right to build a memorial honoring the memory of their loved ones in an affordable way.That is why we have our 'one pricing' policy. We also believe in the virtues of hard work, quality, and finesse. Our products Gravestone Memorials, Memorial Headstones are all designed with utmost care in a way that their quality and finesse is not comprised even one bit.

Sunshine Granite Memorials – Lawn Cemetery Monument
Business Genre
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+00353 49 4330 400
Business Address
Stradone Road, Poles, Co. Cavan, H12 HX74
Business Description

At Sunshine Granite Memorials Ltd., we have an immensely dedicated team with high expertise on all the aspects of lawn cemetery. A Lawn Memorial is a monument that is placed at the head of a grave and generally consists of two-three pieces, a plinth, base stone and then a headstone placed onto the base stone.These types of memorials may accommodate from one - up to three Interments.

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